MEZZaTHEMing Part 4: To the blog, and beyond
This is the fourth and final part of my tutorial series on creating Mezzanine themes. Throughout the tutorial I have been going over the process of taking static html and using it to develop a Mezzanine theme. I've been working with the html template that is available here, but the methods I discuss could be used to develop a Mezzanine theme based on a PSD to html conversion, or any other number of potential sources of styled html. The first post went over the process of creating base.html which is the foundation of the rest of a Mezzanine theme. Part two taught you to take that foundation and create a backend editable page to be your site's home page. The third post described how to make templates DRY and applied those principals to styling Mezzanine's default pages, including a custom design for the gallery. This post will focus on styling the blog and creating more custom content types, adding Portfolio capabilities to our theme.