Deploying Mezzanine to Digital Ocean using the included fabfile

The process

  1. Sign up for Digital Ocean (that's a referral link which you are in no way obligated to use)
  2. Create a droplet (I've added my SSH key to Digital Ocean so I assign that to the droplet). I used Debian 7 x64
  3. Point your domain's A record at the IP address Digital Ocean assigns to your droplet.
  4. Log into the vps as root, create a new user and give it sudo permission, $ adduser new_user_name then $ visudo
  5. In visudo find the line root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL replicate it just below and replace root with the username created above.
  6. In your local project copy the default fabric dictionary from to and uncomment it
  7. Fill in the fabric settings
  8. Configure ALLOWED_HOSTS in deploy/, i.e., ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['']
  9. Open your project's requirements.txt and add pillow to a new line (This should get automatically installed by Mezzanine but for some reason isn't)
  10. Run fabric $ fab all
  11. Go to your site in your browser


Log locations

Logs end up in /var/log/ particularly:

  • nginx: /var/log/nginx
  • supervisor: /var/log/supervisor

The supervisor directory contains logs of gunicorn's stderr and stdout which would include Django errors.

Example project

The project I deployed is here, it's just vanilla Mezzanine with ALLOWED_HOSTS set and pillow added to the requirements

Example fabric dictionary

    "SSH_USER": "do", # SSH username
    "SSH_PASS":  "", # SSH password (consider key-based authentication)
    "SSH_KEY_PATH":  "/Users/josh/.ssh/", # Local path to SSH key file, for key-based auth
    "HOSTS": [''], # List of hosts to deploy to
    "VIRTUALENV_HOME":  "/home/do", # Absolute remote path for virtualenvs
    "PROJECT_NAME": "do_test", # Unique identifier for project
    "REQUIREMENTS_PATH": "requirements.txt", # Path to pip requirements, relative to project
    "GUNICORN_PORT": 8000, # Port gunicorn will listen on
    "LOCALE": "en_US.UTF-8", # Should end with ".UTF-8"
    "LIVE_HOSTNAME": "", # Host for public site.
    "REPO_URL": "https://[email protected]/joshcartme/vanilla_mezz", # Git or Mercurial remote repo URL for the project
    "DB_PASS": "abc123", # Live database password
    "ADMIN_PASS": "abc123", # Live admin user password
